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Main Entrance to Tower D to Move Temporarily

By 27 de June de 2008November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Main Entrance to Tower D to Move Temporarily

The main entrance to Tower D is temporarily moving. Entry can now be gained through a new door located between the current entrance and the UB's library building. The move is part of the second phase of renovations at the Barcelona Science Park. The current entrance will be demolished and rebuilt so that it also connects Towers B and C, where renovations have already begun.

While renovations are underway, Tower D can also be entered via Baldiri Reixac Street between numbers 2 and 4. This alternative access point makes use of steps and an elevated platform that leads to a temporary reception area. Building works to connect the towers began in June and are planned to take roughly seven or eight months to complete.

When finished, the renovations will formally link Towers B and C with the current Tower D through a single entrance and reception area.

As a result of the process, the current renovations will bring together a significant portion of the PCB. By 2011, the Park’s remaining facilities will be linked as well.